Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A lesson learnt in Sales

On Monday evening, I called one of my stockists Mr Suresh, a very demanding person and also what one would classify as a big "whiner". Objective was to convince him to support one scheme and purchase a huge amount of stocks. However he had issues, as usual and as usual he started with the issues of why it was impossible for him to take any stock, how competition was worse, so on and so forth. I heard him out over the phone and then told him that I would meet him personally the next day morning. He was not much positive overall and based on this conversation, neither was I. But being a hard-bitten sales-professional, who has seen as tough scenarios as its possible to see, its never in me to give up without an attempt - I would try just for the heck of it, even if its a hopeless case (I think that's the only reason, I have been successful in sales :P). So today morning, dutifully I went to meet Mr Suresh.

Now there are certain things, which I do instinctively - I don't know why - but which in retrospect actually work to my success. First of all, before he broached the controversial subject, I broached it myself - giving him a chance to complain and vent it out, if not anything else, while I nodded my head neither agreeing with him, but nor wholly disagreeing with him. Where I could agree with him, I make the right noises, where I couldn't I maintain a stony silence, watching him carefully (at present I am viewing my actions as an objective silent viewer).

"So, you told me yesterday, XYZ co is operating a 9+1 scheme in the market. Is that correct?" I opened the topic

"Yes, that's what I heard yesterday through one of my salesmen. You can understand my difficulty. How can I operate in such a scenario."

I shake my head in disbelief, "Sir, how could he manage to do this! Surely he would have got the scheme from somebody" (Aside - I know how XYZ is doing this, in case the information is correct, and where he is getting the scheme from for I arranged the same)

"Sir, market moves very fast. See how quickly he is operating the scheme in the market, while I haven't even received it yet!"

Then Mr Suresh dials a number on phone (that of one of his salesmen) and enquires about this 9+1 offer. He gets some information. Now for me this, in itself is a moment of victory. Mr Suresh takes me quite seriously to ensure that he is sure about his information coz I have put a seed of doubt in his mind by my earlier statement.

After finishing the call, he turns back to me, "Sir, its actually ABC co who is floating the scheme and he has done it with Vanaja Pharmacy"

I relax a bit coz XYZ was more controversial than ABC. ABC is kinda a known enemy and Mr Suresh is slightly on a loose ground whining about ABC to me. I pounce upon the opportunity, in a logical manner.

"Hmm - you could also operate 9+1, if you wish. That's why I am asking you to meet your purchase target."

"Sir, you tell me how 9+1 is possible" he does some mathematics and shows me that the scheme I am promising him works out to 9.33+1, so hence slightly lower scheme than 9+1, which makes it logically difficult for Mr Suresh to float in market and compete. But then I know that he needn't do that with every retailer. But I chose to keep quiet. When two logical people speak to each other, its not imperative to put all the logic onto the table. I use a slightly different tack.

"Sir, we can always give a better scheme to big volume purchasers. That way we ensure better sales turnover"

"But Vanaja Pharmacy is not a big retailer and yet ABC is giving there."

I could see arguing on Vanaja Pharmacy as a potential landmine that could scuttle the entire discussion against my favor, so I try a different sort of appeal.

"Sir, you know very well the support we give to you through our salesman. How can we do that, if we don't have the right scheme with you to get you more orders." (I didnt realize it then, but later on, through one of the statements of Suresh, I am inclined to believe that it was this argument which clinched the argument or rather discussion in my favor)

I continued, "Secondly, next month we are going to have advertisements, which will greatly impact the sales, as you very well know. So whether there is competition or not, you are in great position to easily liquidate the stocks you are purchasing now and also derive higher profit. In fact in entire Bangalore, there are only two stockists, who have done the target and hence can compete with you (a patently false statement, but since he can never ascertain the truth, it doesn't matter - rather its a confidence building measure)"

"Who are the other two"

"ABC is one" pat comes my reply (and this is true :D)

"No wonder he is floating the scheme in market"

I nod my head in agreement

"So we can also do 9+1 in the market"

"You can also do that, no problem. But we can do it selectively for better results"

Mr Suresh sits back and thinks and then he turns the stock statement report back to him to have a look and looks up at me in a moment, with the indication that I can take down his order.

I ask no questions, make no further explanations and ask my colleague to take out the order book to note down the order. The order is taken and Suresh purchases to meet his target.

There is that moment, where I could see clearly that I have convinced him. It is rare in one's life that we could convince another person from a totally opposite view. Sales career gives plenty of such opportunities, in fact necessitates this.
I am not overly proud about my accomplishments. I know people give the regard due to my position - but I also know that I do more than enough to capably fill my position to enable people to give me that regard. I have done enough to earn people's trust.

While I smoothly utter lies - I never fail to meet a commitment given. That is the bedrock of my credibility. Mr Suresh knows that he can trust me, when I tell him that he will liquidate his stocks next month. Whatever other lies I utter doesn't matter in front of this overarching, most important business truth which is required by him. I give him that assurance. Sometimes don't we reassure children who suffer a bad nightmare by some happy scenarios, which are clearly false - but which calms them down, makes them happy, relieves them of their fear. Sales is about being practical, focusing on the essentials and earning people's trust.

This was just an example of what I am practically doing day in day out, with lesser or greater success. But it is uncharacteristic for me, considering what I was a few years back. So much so, that it surprises me, how much people have come to trust me, and how much I can manage to convince people. People just rely me on my word! I think back and realize, its because I have never failed to meet any of my commitments, even during my worse days. I always put my commitment to them, before anything else. At that time I did it just as matter of habit, because I dont like to go back on my word. But in the last 2-3 months, I have realized its worth, its incredible worth!

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