Sunday, May 16, 2010


Gulped down a few rounds
Then the wretched head swims
Eyes closed, am oblivious
To the world and its whims

I'm into my own world,
As the head swirls around,
Sucked by a whirlpool,
I am lost and drowned.

Feel like going down and down
I wish for a breather,
Yet I dont resist it,
For it just doesnt matter.

When losing oneself is so easy,
And resisting is so difficult,
then why not just get drowned.
And trash all bother.

But now I can get intoxicated
without even a jot of rum,
For now, she's there to give me the high,
and then make me feel all dumb.

Yet I don't resist the feeling
Though the will is other.
For when losing oneself is so easy,
Then why all this bother.


Winnie the poohi said...


someone seems to be enjoying the heady rush :D :D

Kartik Srinivasan said...

Enjoying - I dunno!
But yeah, its different! ;-)

Musings... said...

wow...very well said...looks like you are quite smitten! :)

Kartik Srinivasan said...

agreed - it does seem that i am smitten :-)
thanks muse for coming by.