Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some things about myself

Just some thoughts about myself - felt like writing like this after like a dozen years! So I felt its worthwhile posting this.

I prefer being straightforward, open-hearted, frank and liberal. I don't like to play games. I always give people enough chances. I am forgiving and very understanding initially. I believe in being polite, formal and decent.

It takes me a while to understand that a game is being played.
It takes me a while to understand the rules of the game.
But once I realize that and learn the rules, I am difficult to beat.
I am intuitive....I can realize things that one cannot imagine could be realized...and I surmise pretty close to whats actual.
I adapt well, I am quick to grasp once I know what needs to be grasped.
I am agile, ruthless in my pursuit of winning, of scoring a point, of proving a point.
And those who are experienced, who think they are experts are left confounded...they could never think that someone whom they had written off, someone whom they had left far behind has overtaken them and taught them a lesson. My biggest joy is in proving such people wrong.

I go out of my way to be polite, accommodating and compromising to those who treat me likewise.
I go out of my way to be difficult, manipulative, indirect, and confusing to those who treat me likewise.

I will behave with you the way you will behave with me...but first I will always give you a chance. I trust people before I start distrusting them. I will trust you implicitly till you break my trust irrevocably.

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