Wednesday, March 4, 2009


If you have to crawl ahead inch by inch
If you have just a whiff of air to breathe
When every moment is an eternal torture
When even a pebble become a mountainous challenge

Even hanging in there had never been more difficult
Even the last inch you stand upon is seized by cruel fate
When living become an unbearable task
and death brings the prospect of pleasing relief
When hope itself shuns you like a capricious wife
Even so, lose not thy grit
If you call yourself a man
For if you are a man
you shall never accept defeat


Winnie the poohi said...

umm self motivation eh ?

Kartik Srinivasan said...

I am gud at that!

Neha said...

I have found these "never accept defeat" stuff slightly disturbing. Why not? Why shouldn't I accept defeat? I think its one of the requisites for moving on. Its important to know the diff between what you can and what you can't, don't you think?

Kartik Srinivasan said...

well what if u r in a situation where you just cant afford a defeat...its easy to say you got to move on, but move on to what?...what if you have never thought of a life apart from something in particular, have always dreamt of it and cant even imagine dreaming anything else.

Winnie the poohi said...

make new dreams may be :)

Neha said...

am with winnie the pooh. I mean if you have not imagined before, its still your imagination and you can start today. :)

Athena said...

Giving up long cherished dreams is the hardest task I agree-but sometimes its best to wipe them off your windscreen and look at the beauty of new paths.......