Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Mantra Raja Pada Stotram - Shloka 5

sarvendriyair api vinA sarvam sarvatra sarvadA
yo jAnAti namAmyAdyam tamaham sarvatomukham

sarvendriyai - all the senses are
api - also
vinA - without
sarvam - each, every
sarvatra - everywhere
sarvadA - every time, forever
yo janati - who has knowledge

without any of the senses, who has knowledge at all times, everywhere of each and every thing

namAm - offer my salutations
Adhyam - First, initial
tam - desire
aham - I
sarvatomukham - unlimited, complete, facing everywhere

I offer my salutation first and foremost, to that complete, all-knowing, who limit knows no bounds.

Who has knowledge of everything and everywhere
Without ever resorting to the senses
I first and foremost, bow that
Complete, All-knowing One.

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