Surrender to Bhagavan
You may not have love
You may not have fear
But you may just have belief
And the desire to be free
But you are deeply ensnared
And know no other way but
To surrender to Bhagavan
And plead for His Benediction
Be honest with yourself
Do not try to be what you cannot be
Saints are not made in one live
But every moment could be a step
To be saintly one day
Just put one step before another in the right direction
Accept that there is a Destiny you cannot change
Accept what He has Determined for you
And keep your belief intact through thick and thin
And take the right step
May Bhagavan bless us.
You may not have love
You may not have fear
But you may just have belief
And the desire to be free
But you are deeply ensnared
And know no other way but
To surrender to Bhagavan
And plead for His Benediction
Be honest with yourself
Do not try to be what you cannot be
Saints are not made in one live
But every moment could be a step
To be saintly one day
Just put one step before another in the right direction
Accept that there is a Destiny you cannot change
Accept what He has Determined for you
And keep your belief intact through thick and thin
And take the right step
May Bhagavan bless us.