Saturday, August 4, 2012

Preliminary to Meditation

There is no point doing meditation to find peace, without first calming the mind. Meditating with an unsettled mind is like surfing in a raging ocean. Now one would argue - isn't that what meditation supposed to do - calm the mind; how then can it be said that a calm mind is a precursor for meditation.

The answer is that attaining mental peace and calm is a long process and meditation is one albeit an important stage in it. The propounders of Yoga system of thought have given eight stages of attaining Kaivalya or Ultimate Liberation. Some of these eight stages can be concurrent, however you cannot start (according to them) unless the first 2-3 stages are successfully passed. These are Yama, Niyama followed by Asana.

What are these first two stages. They are nothing but following a proper code of conduct socially and preliminary internal purification of mind. One has to gain some basic level of control over mind so as not to give in/overindulge in physiological impulses like gluttony, sexual drive, uncleanliness, anger etc.

If a person is obsessed with infatuation for beloved, or if he harbors hatred for someone or some people - his mind will be naturally turbulent. Such a mind is not amenable to meditation, concentration etc without dissolving these emotions. People who are slaves to their senses and mind find it repeatedly difficult to gather their thoughts inward in one direction & meditate over the lord or Supreme Idea.

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