Monday, May 16, 2011

Isha Upanishad - stanza 1

ॐ ईशा वास्यमिदँ सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् ।
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ।। १ ।।

îsHâ vâsyamidaM sarvaM yat kiñca jagatyâM jagat,
tena tyaktena bhuñjîthâ mâ gRidhaH kasya sviddhanam. 1.

ishaa - God, the Lord
vaasyam - clothed, enveloped, pervaded, dwelling
idam - this
sarvam - all

yatkincha (yat kim cha)- whatsoever ?
jagatyaam - in this world, on earth
jagat - world, moving, movable, earth
tena tyaktena -renouncing this, it (tyaktena means detaching or renouncing)
bhunjitha - enjoy (also mentioned as "protect" in some translations)
ma - dont
gridha - covet (wish to possess)
kasya - whose
svid - indeed, i wonder, do you think
dhanam - wealth

By the Lord is enveloped all that moves in the moving world.
By renouncing this, find your enjoyment.
Do not covet the possessions of others.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Matter of the matter

This matter doesn't matter, because
What matters is beyond matter, but
It is what Matters in this matter, and
It is what made this matter
rest may seem to matter,
but it doesn't matter to those
who understand the Matter of this matter.